Roles in Sweden's Unemployment Benefits Scheme
The Swedish Unemployment Insurance Inspectorate (IAF) is the Swedish liaison body for matters concerning unemployment benefits within the EU/EEA Member States and Switzerland in relation to EU Regulations 883/2004, 987/2009, 1408/71 and 574/72.
IAF is also the competent Swedish institution for cases relating to certificates U2 and E 303 – export of unemployment benefits to look for work in other Member States.
The Swedish Public Employment Service (Arbetsförmedlingen) gives information about the Swedish Unemployment insurance scheme and is the competent institution for jobseekers in Sweden with retained benefits from other Member States (certificates U2 and E 303).
The Swedish unemployment insurance funds (arbetslöshetskassorna) are the Swedish competent institutions for cases relating to certificates U1 and E 301 (aggregation of periods between Member States for unemployment benefits).
You find the names and fields of activity of the funds below.
You find contact details of the unemployment insurance funds below.
You find contact details of the Public Employment Service.