IAF Inspektionen f�r arbetsl�shetsf�rs�kringen

U1 Certificate - aggregation of periods

If you have worked in Sweden

If you have worked in Sweden and would like to aggregate that work when you apply for unemployment benefits in the EU/EAS, Switzerland, or the UK and Northern Ireland, you may need a certificate U1. 

In Sweden, it is the Swedish unemployment insurance funds that issue certificate U1. 

Therefore, if you would like a certificate U1, you must contact the Swedish unemployment insurance fund of which you were a member when you worked in Sweden. If you do not present a certificate U1 or the competent institution requires additional information, a request may be sent electronically to your unemployment insurance fund.

If you were not a member of any unemployment insurance fund when you last worked in Sweden, you can contact the unemployment insurance fund –  ALFA-kassan. 

If you have worked in the EU/EAS, Switzerland, the UK or Northern Ireland

When you apply for unemployment benefits in Sweden after you have been working in the EU/EAS, Switzerland, or the UK and Northern Ireland, the unemployment insurance fund shall make a decision about aggregation of periods. If you have submitted a certificate U1, the unemployment insurance fund base their decision on the information stated in the certificate. Certificate U1 are issued by the competent institution in the country in which you worked. If the Swedish unemployment insurance fund requires additional information, a request may be sent electronically to the relevant institution in the former country of employment.

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